gmsh-TingyuanDoc  0.1
An Open-Source Timing-driven Analytical Mixed-size FPGA Placer
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2022 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
2 //
3 // See the LICENSE.txt file in the Gmsh root directory for license information.
4 // Please report all issues on
6 #include <complex>
7 #include <string.h>
8 #include <algorithm>
9 #include "GmshConfig.h"
10 #include "fullMatrix.h"
11 #include "GmshMessage.h"
13 #if !defined(F77NAME)
14 #define F77NAME(x) (x##_)
15 #endif
17 // Specialisation of fullVector/Matrix operations using BLAS and LAPACK
19 #if defined(HAVE_BLAS) && !defined(HAVE_EIGEN)
21 extern "C" {
22 void F77NAME(daxpy)(int *n, double *alpha, double *x, int *incx, double *y,
23  int *incy);
24 void F77NAME(zaxpy)(int *n, std::complex<double> *alpha,
25  std::complex<double> *x, int *incx, std::complex<double> *y,
26  int *incy);
27 void F77NAME(dcopy)(int *n, double *a, int *inca, double *b, int *incb);
28 void F77NAME(zcopy)(int *n, std::complex<double> *a, int *inca,
29  std::complex<double> *b, int *incb);
30 void F77NAME(dgemm)(const char *transa, const char *transb, int *m, int *n,
31  int *k, double *alpha, double *a, int *lda, double *b,
32  int *ldb, double *beta, double *c, int *ldc);
33 void F77NAME(zgemm)(const char *transa, const char *transb, int *m, int *n,
34  int *k, std::complex<double> *alpha,
35  std::complex<double> *a, int *lda, std::complex<double> *b,
36  int *ldb, std::complex<double> *beta,
37  std::complex<double> *c, int *ldc);
38 void F77NAME(dgemv)(const char *trans, int *m, int *n, double *alpha, double *a,
39  int *lda, double *x, int *incx, double *beta, double *y,
40  int *incy);
41 void F77NAME(zgemv)(const char *trans, int *m, int *n,
42  std::complex<double> *alpha, std::complex<double> *a,
43  int *lda, std::complex<double> *x, int *incx,
44  std::complex<double> *beta, std::complex<double> *y,
45  int *incy);
46 void F77NAME(dscal)(int *n, double *alpha, double *x, int *incx);
47 void F77NAME(zscal)(int *n, std::complex<double> *alpha,
48  std::complex<double> *x, int *incx);
49 }
51 template <> void fullVector<double>::setAll(const fullVector<double> &m)
52 {
53  int stride = 1;
54  F77NAME(dcopy)(&_r, m._data, &stride, _data, &stride);
55 }
57 template <>
58 void fullVector<std::complex<double> >::setAll(
59  const fullVector<std::complex<double> > &m)
60 {
61  int stride = 1;
62  F77NAME(zcopy)(&_r, m._data, &stride, _data, &stride);
63 }
65 template <>
66 void fullVector<double>::axpy(const fullVector<double> &x, double alpha)
67 {
68  int M = _r, INCX = 1, INCY = 1;
69  F77NAME(daxpy)(&M, &alpha, x._data, &INCX, _data, &INCY);
70 }
72 template <>
74  const fullVector<std::complex<double> > &x, std::complex<double> alpha)
75 {
76  int M = _r, INCX = 1, INCY = 1;
77  F77NAME(zaxpy)(&M, &alpha, x._data, &INCX, _data, &INCY);
78 }
80 template <> void fullMatrix<int>::setAll(const fullMatrix<int> &m)
81 {
82  if(_r != m._r || _c != m._c) {
83  Msg::Error("fullMatrix size does not match");
84  return;
85  }
86  int N = _r * _c;
87  for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) _data[i] = m._data[i];
88 }
90 template <> void fullMatrix<double>::setAll(const fullMatrix<double> &m)
91 {
92  if(_r != m._r || _c != m._c) {
93  Msg::Error("fullMatrix size does not match");
94  return;
95  }
96  int N = _r * _c;
97  int stride = 1;
98  F77NAME(dcopy)(&N, m._data, &stride, _data, &stride);
99 }
101 template <>
102 void fullMatrix<std::complex<double> >::setAll(
103  const fullMatrix<std::complex<double> > &m)
104 {
105  if(_r != m._r || _c != m._c) {
106  Msg::Error("fullMatrix size does not match");
107  return;
108  }
109  int N = _r * _c;
110  int stride = 1;
111  F77NAME(zcopy)(&N, m._data, &stride, _data, &stride);
112 }
114 template <> void fullMatrix<double>::scale(const double s)
115 {
116  int N = _r * _c;
117  int stride = 1;
118  double ss = s;
119  F77NAME(dscal)(&N, &ss, _data, &stride);
120 }
122 template <> void fullMatrix<std::complex<double> >::scale(const std::complex<double> s)
123 {
124  int N = _r * _c;
125  int stride = 1;
126  std::complex<double> ss(s);
127  F77NAME(zscal)(&N, &ss, _data, &stride);
128 }
130 template <> void fullMatrix<int>::scale(const int s)
131 {
132  for(int i = 0; i < _r * _c; ++i) _data[i] *= s;
133 }
135 template <>
137  fullMatrix<double> &c) const
138 {
139  int M = c.size1(), N = c.size2(), K = _c;
140  int LDA = _r, LDB = b.size1(), LDC = c.size1();
141  double alpha = 1., beta = 0.;
142  F77NAME(dgemm)
143  ("N", "N", &M, &N, &K, &alpha, _data, &LDA, b._data, &LDB, &beta, c._data,
144  &LDC);
145 }
147 template <>
149  const fullMatrix<std::complex<double> > &b,
150  fullMatrix<std::complex<double> > &c) const
151 {
152  int M = c.size1(), N = c.size2(), K = _c;
153  int LDA = _r, LDB = b.size1(), LDC = c.size1();
154  std::complex<double> alpha = 1., beta = 0.;
155  F77NAME(zgemm)
156  ("N", "N", &M, &N, &K, &alpha, _data, &LDA, b._data, &LDB, &beta, c._data,
157  &LDC);
158 }
160 template <>
162  fullVector<double> &y) const
163 {
164  int M = _r, N = _c, LDA = _r, INCX = 1, INCY = 1;
165  double alpha = 1., beta = 0.;
166  F77NAME(dgemv)
167  ("N", &M, &N, &alpha, _data, &LDA, x._data, &INCX, &beta, y._data, &INCY);
168 }
170 template <>
172  const fullVector<std::complex<double> > &x,
173  fullVector<std::complex<double> > &y) const
174 {
175  int M = _r, N = _c, LDA = _r, INCX = 1, INCY = 1;
176  std::complex<double> alpha = 1., beta = 0.;
177  F77NAME(zgemv)
178  ("N", &M, &N, &alpha, _data, &LDA, x._data, &INCX, &beta, y._data, &INCY);
179 }
181 template <>
183  fullVector<double> &y) const
184 {
185  int M = _r, N = _c, LDA = _r, INCX = 1, INCY = 1;
186  double alpha = 1., beta = 1.;
187  F77NAME(dgemv)
188  ("N", &M, &N, &alpha, _data, &LDA, x._data, &INCX, &beta, y._data, &INCY);
189 }
191 template <>
192 void fullMatrix<std::complex<double> >::multAddy(
193  const fullVector<std::complex<double> > &x,
194  fullVector<std::complex<double> > &y) const
195 {
196  int M = _r, N = _c, LDA = _r, INCX = 1, INCY = 1;
197  std::complex<double> alpha = 1., beta = 1.;
198  F77NAME(zgemv)
199  ("N", &M, &N, &alpha, _data, &LDA, x._data, &INCX, &beta, y._data, &INCY);
200 }
202 template <>
204  const int ncol, const int fcol,
205  const int alpha_, const int beta_,
206  fullVector<double> &c) const
207 {
208  int M = 1, N = ncol, K = b.size1();
209  int LDA = _r, LDB = b.size1(), LDC = 1;
210  double alpha = alpha_, beta = beta_;
211  F77NAME(dgemm)
212  ("N", "N", &M, &N, &K, &alpha, _data, &LDA, &(b._data[fcol * K]), &LDB, &beta,
213  &(c._data[fcol]), &LDC);
214 }
216 template <>
218  double alpha, double beta,
219  fullVector<double> &y) const
220 {
221  int M = _r, N = _c, LDA = _r, INCX = 1, INCY = 1;
222  F77NAME(dgemv)
223  ("T", &M, &N, &alpha, _data, &LDA, x._data, &INCX, &beta, y._data, &INCY);
224 }
226 template <>
228  const fullMatrix<double> &b, double alpha,
229  double beta, bool transposeA, bool transposeB)
230 {
231  int M = size1(), N = size2(), K = transposeA ? a.size1() : a.size2();
232  int LDA = a.size1(), LDB = b.size1(), LDC = size1();
233  F77NAME(dgemm)
234  (transposeA ? "T" : "N", transposeB ? "T" : "N", &M, &N, &K, &alpha, a._data,
235  &LDA, b._data, &LDB, &beta, _data, &LDC);
236 }
238 template <>
240  const fullMatrix<std::complex<double> > &a,
241  const fullMatrix<std::complex<double> > &b, std::complex<double> alpha,
242  std::complex<double> beta, bool transposeA, bool transposeB)
243 {
244  int M = size1(), N = size2(), K = transposeA ? a.size1() : a.size2();
245  int LDA = a.size1(), LDB = b.size1(), LDC = size1();
246  F77NAME(zgemm)
247  (transposeA ? "T" : "N", transposeB ? "T" : "N", &M, &N, &K, &alpha, a._data,
248  &LDA, b._data, &LDB, &beta, _data, &LDC);
249 }
251 template <>
252 void fullMatrix<double>::axpy(const fullMatrix<double> &x, double alpha)
253 {
254  int M = _r * _c, INCX = 1, INCY = 1;
255  F77NAME(daxpy)(&M, &alpha, x._data, &INCX, _data, &INCY);
256 }
258 #endif
260 #if defined(HAVE_LAPACK) && !defined(HAVE_EIGEN)
262 extern "C" {
263 void F77NAME(dgesv)(int *N, int *nrhs, double *A, int *lda, int *ipiv,
264  double *b, int *ldb, int *info);
265 void F77NAME(dgetrf)(int *M, int *N, double *A, int *lda, int *ipiv, int *info);
266 void F77NAME(dgetrs)(char *trans, int *N, int *nrhs, double *A, int *lda,
267  int *ipiv, double *b, int *ldb, int *info);
268 void F77NAME(dgetri)(int *M, double *A, int *lda, int *ipiv, double *work,
269  int *lwork, int *info);
270 void F77NAME(dgesvd)(const char *jobu, const char *jobvt, int *M, int *N,
271  double *A, int *lda, double *S, double *U, int *ldu,
272  double *VT, int *ldvt, double *work, int *lwork,
273  int *info);
274 void F77NAME(dgeev)(const char *jobvl, const char *jobvr, int *n, double *a,
275  int *lda, double *wr, double *wi, double *vl, int *ldvl,
276  double *vr, int *ldvr, double *work, int *lwork, int *info);
277 }
279 template <>
281  fullVector<double> &result)
282 {
283  int N = size1(), nrhs = 1, lda = N, ldb = N, info;
284  int *ipiv = new int[N];
285  for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) result(i) = rhs(i);
286  F77NAME(dgesv)(&N, &nrhs, _data, &lda, ipiv, result._data, &ldb, &info);
287  delete[] ipiv;
288  if(info == 0) return true;
289  return false;
290 }
292 template <> bool fullMatrix<double>::luFactor(fullVector<int> &ipiv)
293 {
294  int M = size1(), N = size2(), lda = size1(), info;
295  ipiv.resize(std::min(M, N));
296  F77NAME(dgetrf)(&M, &N, _data, &lda, &ipiv(0), &info);
297  if(info == 0) return true;
298  return false;
299 }
301 template <>
303  fullVector<int> &ipiv,
304  fullVector<double> &result)
305 {
306  int N = size1(), nrhs = 1, lda = N, ldb = N, info;
307  char trans = 'N';
308  for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) result(i) = rhs(i);
309  F77NAME(dgetrs)
310  (&trans, &N, &nrhs, _data, &lda, &ipiv(0), result._data, &ldb, &info);
311  if(info == 0) return true;
312  return false;
313 }
315 template <> bool fullMatrix<double>::invert(fullMatrix<double> &result) const
316 {
317  int M = size1(), N = size2(), lda = size1(), info;
318  int *ipiv = new int[std::min(M, N)];
319  if(result.size2() != M || result.size1() != N) {
320  if(result._ownData || !result._data)
321  result.resize(M, N, false);
322  else {
323  Msg::Error("FullMatrix: Bad dimension, I cannot write in proxy");
324  return false;
325  }
326  }
327  result.setAll(*this);
328  F77NAME(dgetrf)(&M, &N, result._data, &lda, ipiv, &info);
329  if(info == 0) {
330  int lwork = M * 4;
331  double *work = new double[lwork];
332  F77NAME(dgetri)(&M, result._data, &lda, ipiv, work, &lwork, &info);
333  delete[] work;
334  }
335  delete[] ipiv;
336  if(info == 0)
337  return true;
338  else if(info > 0)
339  Msg::Warning("U(%d,%d)=0 in matrix inversion", info, info);
340  else
341  Msg::Error("Wrong %d-th argument in matrix inversion", -info);
342  return false;
343 }
345 template <> bool fullMatrix<double>::invertInPlace()
346 {
347  int N = size1(), nrhs = N, lda = N, ldb = N, info;
348  int *ipiv = new int[N];
349  double *invA = new double[N * N];
351  for(int i = 0; i < N * N; i++) invA[i] = 0.;
352  for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) invA[i * N + i] = 1.;
354  F77NAME(dgesv)(&N, &nrhs, _data, &lda, ipiv, invA, &ldb, &info);
355  memcpy(_data, invA, N * N * sizeof(double));
357  delete[] invA;
358  delete[] ipiv;
360  if(info == 0) return true;
361  if(info > 0)
362  Msg::Warning("U(%d,%d)=0 in matrix in place inversion", info, info);
363  else
364  Msg::Error("Wrong %d-th argument in matrix inversion", -info);
365  return false;
366 }
368 template <> double fullMatrix<double>::determinant() const
369 {
370  fullMatrix<double> tmp(*this);
371  int M = size1(), N = size2(), lda = size1(), info;
372  int *ipiv = new int[std::min(M, N)];
373  F77NAME(dgetrf)(&M, &N, tmp._data, &lda, ipiv, &info);
374  double det = 1.;
375  if(info == 0) {
376  for(int i = 0; i < size1(); i++) {
377  det *= tmp(i, i);
378  if(ipiv[i] != i + 1) det = -det;
379  }
380  }
381  else if(info > 0)
382  det = 0.;
383  else
384  Msg::Error("Wrong %d-th argument in matrix factorization", -info);
385  delete[] ipiv;
386  return det;
387 }
389 template <>
392  bool sortRealPart)
393 {
394  int N = size1(), info;
395  int lwork = 10 * N;
396  double *work = new double[lwork];
397  F77NAME(dgeev)
398  ("V", "V", &N, _data, &N, DR._data, DI._data, VL._data, &N, VR._data, &N,
399  work, &lwork, &info);
400  delete[] work;
402  if(info > 0)
403  Msg::Error("QR Algorithm failed to compute all the eigenvalues", info,
404  info);
405  else if(info < 0)
406  Msg::Error("Wrong %d-th argument in eig", -info);
407  else if(sortRealPart)
408  eigSort(N, DR._data, DI._data, VL._data, VR._data);
410  return true;
411 }
413 template <>
415 {
416  fullMatrix<double> VT(V.size2(), V.size1());
417  int M = size1(), N = size2(), LDA = size1(), LDVT = VT.size1(), info;
418  int lwork = std::max(3 * std::min(M, N) + std::max(M, N), 5 * std::min(M, N));
419  fullVector<double> WORK(lwork);
420  F77NAME(dgesvd)
421  ("O", "A", &M, &N, _data, &LDA, S._data, _data, &LDA, VT._data, &LDVT,
422  WORK._data, &lwork, &info);
423  V = VT.transpose();
424  if(info == 0) return true;
425  if(info > 0)
426  Msg::Error("SVD did not converge");
427  else
428  Msg::Error("Wrong %d-th argument in SVD decomposition", -info);
429  return false;
430 }
432 #endif
434 // Specialisation of norm() and print()
436 template <> double fullVector<double>::norm() const
437 {
438  double n = 0.;
439  for(int i = 0; i < _r; ++i) n += _data[i] * _data[i];
440  return sqrt(n);
441 }
443 template <> std::complex<double> fullVector<std::complex<double> >::norm() const
444 {
445  double n = 0.;
446  for(int i = 0; i < _r; ++i)
447  n += _data[i].real() * _data[i].real() + _data[i].imag() * _data[i].imag();
448  return std::complex<double>(sqrt(n), 0.);
449 }
451 template <>
452 void fullVector<double>::print(const std::string name,
453  const std::string format) const
454 {
455  std::string rformat = (format == "") ? "%12.5E " : format;
456  printf("double %s[%d]=\n", name.c_str(), size());
457  printf("{ ");
458  for(int I = 0; I < size(); I++) { printf(rformat.c_str(), (*this)(I)); }
459  printf("};\n");
460 }
462 template <>
463 void fullVector<int>::print(const std::string name,
464  const std::string format) const
465 {
466  std::string rformat = (format == "") ? "%12d " : format;
467  printf("double %s[%d]=\n", name.c_str(), size());
468  printf("{ ");
469  for(int I = 0; I < size(); I++) { printf(rformat.c_str(), (*this)(I)); }
470  printf("};\n");
471 }
473 template <>
474 void fullMatrix<double>::print(const std::string &name,
475  const std::string &format) const
476 {
477  std::string rformat = (format == "") ? "%12.5E " : format;
478  int ni = size1();
479  int nj = size2();
480  printf("double %s [ %d ][ %d ]= { \n", name.c_str(), ni, nj);
481  for(int I = 0; I < ni; I++) {
482  printf("{ ");
483  for(int J = 0; J < nj; J++) {
484  printf(rformat.c_str(), (*this)(I, J));
485  if(J != nj - 1) printf(",");
486  }
487  if(I != ni - 1)
488  printf("},\n");
489  else
490  printf("}\n");
491  }
492  printf("};\n");
493 }
495 template <>
496 void fullMatrix<int>::print(const std::string &name,
497  const std::string &format) const
498 {
499  std::string rformat = (format == "") ? "%12d " : format;
500  int ni = size1();
501  int nj = size2();
502  printf("int %s [ %d ][ %d ]= { \n", name.c_str(), ni, nj);
503  for(int I = 0; I < ni; I++) {
504  printf("{ ");
505  for(int J = 0; J < nj; J++) {
506  printf(rformat.c_str(), (*this)(I, J));
507  if(J != nj - 1) printf(",");
508  }
509  if(I != ni - 1)
510  printf("},\n");
511  else
512  printf("}\n");
513  }
514  printf("};\n");
515 }
int _r
Definition: fullMatrix.h:33
fullVector< double >
#define F77NAME(x)
Definition: fullMatrix.cpp:14
static double c(int i, int j, fullMatrix< double > &CA, const std::vector< SPoint3 > &P, const std::vector< SPoint3 > &Q)
Definition: discreteFrechetDistance.cpp:15
static void Warning(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: GmshMessage.cpp:543
void setAll(const scalar &m)
Definition: fullMatrix.h:422
static void Error(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: GmshMessage.cpp:482
scalar norm() const
int _r
Definition: fullMatrix.h:227
void scale(const scalar s)
Definition: fullMatrix.h:447
int size() const
Definition: fullMatrix.h:69
fullMatrix< scalar > transpose() const
Definition: fullMatrix.h:558
bool resize(int r, bool resetValue=true)
Definition: fullMatrix.h:103
void print(const std::string &name="", const std::string &format="") const
bool luFactor(fullVector< int > &ipiv)
Definition: fullMatrix.h:624
scalar * _data
Definition: fullMatrix.h:34
Definition: MElement.h:27
bool luSubstitute(const fullVector< scalar > &rhs, fullVector< int > &ipiv, fullVector< scalar > &result)
Definition: fullMatrix.h:632
void multOnBlock(const fullMatrix< scalar > &b, const int ncol, const int fcol, const int alpha, const int beta, fullVector< scalar > &c) const
Definition: fullMatrix.h:536
void norm(const double *vec, double *norm)
Definition: gmshLevelset.cpp:202
void multAddy(const fullVector< scalar > &x, fullVector< scalar > &y) const
Definition: fullMatrix.h:502
bool invertInPlace()
Definition: fullMatrix.h:662
scalar determinant() const
Definition: fullMatrix.h:681
Quaternion mult(const Quaternion &A, const Quaternion &B)
Definition: Camera.cpp:459
bool eig(fullVector< double > &eigenValReal, fullVector< double > &eigenValImag, fullMatrix< scalar > &leftEigenVect, fullMatrix< scalar > &rightEigenVect, bool sortRealPart=false)
Definition: fullMatrix.h:727
void gemm(const fullMatrix< scalar > &a, const fullMatrix< scalar > &b, scalar alpha=1., scalar beta=1., bool transposeA=false, bool transposeB=false)
Definition: fullMatrix.h:580
#define S
Definition: DefaultOptions.h:21
int size2() const
Definition: fullMatrix.h:275
bool _ownData
Definition: fullMatrix.h:226
void axpy(const fullMatrix< scalar > &x, scalar alpha=1.)
Definition: fullMatrix.h:595
void multWithATranspose(const fullVector< scalar > &x, scalar alpha, scalar beta, fullVector< scalar > &y) const
Definition: fullMatrix.h:548
int size1() const
Definition: fullMatrix.h:274
int _c
Definition: fullMatrix.h:227
bool svd(fullMatrix< scalar > &V, fullVector< scalar > &S)
Definition: fullMatrix.h:761
scalar * _data
Definition: fullMatrix.h:228
bool luSolve(const fullVector< scalar > &rhs, fullVector< scalar > &result)
Definition: fullMatrix.h:603
void eigSort(int n, scalar *wr, scalar *wi, scalar *VL, scalar *VR)
Definition: fullMatrix.h:703
void mult(const fullVector< scalar > &x, fullVector< scalar > &y) const
Definition: fullMatrix.h:487
bool resize(int r, int c, bool resetValue=true)
Definition: fullMatrix.h:307
void setAll(const scalar &m)
Definition: fullMatrix.h:158
void axpy(const fullVector< scalar > &x, scalar alpha=1.)
Definition: fullMatrix.h:194
bool invert(fullMatrix< scalar > &result) const
Definition: fullMatrix.h:641
static void scale(std::vector< double > &x, double s)
Definition: ConjugateGradients.cpp:21
void print(const std::string name="", const std::string format="") const