gmsh-TingyuanDoc  0.1
An Open-Source Timing-driven Analytical Mixed-size FPGA Placer
laplaceTerm Member List

This is the complete list of members for laplaceTerm, including all inherited members.

_ahelmholtzTerm< double >protected
_gmfemTerm< double >protected
_iFieldChelmholtzTerm< double >protected
_iFieldRhelmholtzTerm< double >protected
_khelmholtzTerm< double >protected
addToMatrix(dofManager< dataVec > &dm, groupOfElements &L, groupOfElements &C) constfemTerm< double >inline
addToMatrix(dofManager< dataVec > &dm, SElement *se) constfemTerm< double >inline
addToMatrix(dofManager< dataVec > &dm, fullMatrix< dataMat > &localMatrix, SElement *se) constfemTerm< double >inline
addToRightHandSide(dofManager< dataVec > &dm, groupOfElements &C) constfemTerm< double >inline
dataMat typedeffemTerm< double >private
dataVec typedeffemTerm< double >private
dirichletNodalBC(int physical, int dim, int comp, int field, const simpleFunction< dataVec > &e, dofManager< dataVec > &dm)femTerm< double >inline
elementMatrix(SElement *se, fullMatrix< double > &m) consthelmholtzTerm< double >inlinevirtual
femTerm< double >::elementMatrix(SElement *se, fullMatrix< dataMat > &m) const=0femTerm< double >pure virtual
elementVector(SElement *se, fullVector< double > &m) constlaplaceTerminline
helmholtzTerm< double >::elementVector(SElement *se, fullVector< dataVec > &m) constfemTerm< double >inlinevirtual
femTerm(GModel *gm)femTerm< double >inline
getLocalDofC(SElement *se, int iRow) consthelmholtzTerm< double >inlinevirtual
getLocalDofR(SElement *se, int iRow) consthelmholtzTerm< double >inlinevirtual
helmholtzTerm(GModel *gm, int iFieldR, int iFieldC, simpleFunction< double > *k, simpleFunction< double > *a)helmholtzTerm< double >inline
laplaceTerm(GModel *gm, int iField, simpleFunction< double > *k, std::map< MVertex *, SPoint3 > *coord=nullptr)laplaceTerminline
neumannNodalBC(MElement *e, int comp, int field, const simpleFunction< dataVec > &fct, dofManager< dataVec > &dm)femTerm< double >inline
neumannNodalBC(int physical, int dim, int comp, int field, const simpleFunction< dataVec > &fct, dofManager< dataVec > &dm)femTerm< double >inline
neumannNormalNodalBC(int physical, int dim, int field, const simpleFunction< dataVec > &fct, dofManager< dataVec > &dm)femTerm< double >inline
sizeOfC(SElement *se) consthelmholtzTerm< double >inlinevirtual
sizeOfR(SElement *se) consthelmholtzTerm< double >inlinevirtual
~femTerm()femTerm< double >inlinevirtual