gmsh-TingyuanDoc  0.1
An Open-Source Timing-driven Analytical Mixed-size FPGA Placer
extrudeInfo Member List

This is the complete list of members for extrudeInfo, including all inherited members.

_fillExtrudeParams(ExtrudeParams *ep, int sourceTag, const std::vector< int > &numElements, const std::vector< double > &heights, const bool recombine)extrudeInfoinlineprivate
_isCompatible(ExtrudeParams *ep1, ExtrudeParams *ep2)extrudeInfoinlineprivate
extrudeInfo(GRegion *r, GFace *s, GFace *t, SVector3 d)extrudeInfoinline
fillExtrudeParams(const std::vector< int > &numElements, const std::vector< double > &heights, const bool recombine, bool checkOnly)extrudeInfoinline