An Open-Source Timing-driven Analytical Mixed-size FPGA Placer
This is the complete list of members for drawContext, including all inherited members.
_bgImageH | drawContext | private |
_bgImageTexture | drawContext | private |
_bgImageW | drawContext | private |
_displayLists | drawContext | private |
_global | drawContext | privatestatic |
_hiddenModels | drawContext | private |
_hiddenViews | drawContext | private |
_imageTextures | drawContext | private |
_openglWindow | drawContext | private |
_quadric | drawContext | private |
_transform | drawContext | private |
addQuaternion(double p1x, double p1y, double p2x, double p2y) | drawContext | |
addQuaternionFromAxisAndAngle(double axis[3], double angle) | drawContext | |
buildRotationMatrix() | drawContext | |
camera | drawContext | |
copyViewAttributes(drawContext *other) | drawContext | inline |
createQuadricsAndDisplayLists() | drawContext | |
draw2d() | drawContext | |
draw3d() | drawContext | |
drawArrow3d(double x, double y, double z, double dx, double dy, double dz, double length, int light) | drawContext | |
drawAxes(int mode, double tics[3], std::string format[3], std::string label[3], double bb[6], int mikado, double value_bb[6]) | drawContext | |
drawAxes(int mode, double tics[3], std::string format[3], std::string label[3], SBoundingBox3d &bb, int mikado, SBoundingBox3d &value_bb) | drawContext | |
drawAxes() | drawContext | |
drawAxis(double xmin, double ymin, double zmin, double xmax, double ymax, double zmax, int nticks, int mikado) | drawContext | |
drawBackgroundGradient() | drawContext | |
drawBackgroundImage(bool moving) | drawContext | |
drawBox(double xmin, double ymin, double zmin, double xmax, double ymax, double zmax, bool labels=true) | drawContext | |
drawContext(openglWindow *window=nullptr, drawTransform *transform=nullptr) | drawContext | |
drawCube(double x, double y, double z, double val[9], int light) | drawContext | |
drawCylinder(double width, double *x, double *y, double *z, int light) | drawContext | |
drawEllipse(double x, double y, double z, float v0[3], float v1[3], int light) | drawContext | |
drawEllipsoid(double x, double y, double z, float v0[3], float v1[3], float v2[3], int light) | drawContext | |
drawGeom() | drawContext | |
drawGeomTransient | drawContext | static |
drawGraph2d(bool inModelCoordinates) | drawContext | |
drawImage(const std::string &s, double x, double y, double z, int align=0) | drawContext | |
drawMesh() | drawContext | |
drawPlaneInBoundingBox(double xmin, double ymin, double zmin, double xmax, double ymax, double zmax, double a, double b, double c, double d, int shade=0) | drawContext | |
drawPost() | drawContext | |
drawScales() | drawContext | |
drawSmallAxes() | drawContext | |
drawSphere(double R, double x, double y, double z, int n1, int n2, int light) | drawContext | |
drawSphere(double size, double x, double y, double z, int light) | drawContext | |
drawString(const std::string &s, double x, double y, double z, const std::string &font_name, int font_enum, int font_size, int align, int line_num=0) | drawContext | |
drawString(const std::string &s, double x, double y, double z, int line_num=0) | drawContext | |
drawString(const std::string &s, double x, double y, double z, double style, int line_num=0) | drawContext | |
drawStringCenter(const std::string &s, double x, double y, double z, int line_num=0) | drawContext | |
drawStringRight(const std::string &s, double x, double y, double z, int line_num=0) | drawContext | |
drawTaperedCylinder(double width, double val1, double val2, double ValMin, double ValMax, double *x, double *y, double *z, int light) | drawContext | |
drawText2d() | drawContext | |
drawTrackball() | drawContext | |
drawVector(int Type, int Fill, double x, double y, double z, double dx, double dy, double dz, int light) | drawContext | |
fix2dCoordinates(double *x, double *y) | drawContext | |
generateTextureForImage(const std::string &name, int page, GLuint &imageTexture, GLuint &imageW, GLuint &imageH) | drawContext | |
getTransform() | drawContext | inline |
global() | drawContext | static |
GMSH_FEEDBACK enum value | drawContext | |
GMSH_RENDER enum value | drawContext | |
GMSH_SELECT enum value | drawContext | |
hide(GModel *m) | drawContext | inline |
hide(PView *v) | drawContext | inline |
highResolutionPixelFactor() | drawContext | |
initPosition(bool saveMatrices) | drawContext | |
initProjection(int xpick=0, int ypick=0, int wpick=0, int hpick=0) | drawContext | |
initRenderModel() | drawContext | |
invalidateBgImageTexture() | drawContext | |
invalidateQuadricsAndDisplayLists() | drawContext | |
isVisible(GModel *m) | drawContext | inline |
isVisible(PView *v) | drawContext | inline |
model | drawContext | |
pixel_equiv_x | drawContext | |
pixel_equiv_y | drawContext | |
proj | drawContext | |
quaternion | drawContext | |
r | drawContext | |
recenterForRotationCenterChange(SPoint3 newRotationCenter) | drawContext | |
render_mode | drawContext | |
RenderMode enum name | drawContext | |
rot | drawContext | |
s | drawContext | |
select(int type, bool multiple, bool mesh, bool post, int x, int y, int w, int h, std::vector< GVertex * > &vertices, std::vector< GEdge * > &edges, std::vector< GFace * > &faces, std::vector< GRegion * > ®ions, std::vector< MElement * > &elements, std::vector< SPoint2 > &points, std::vector< PView * > &views) | drawContext | |
setDrawGeomTransientFunction(void(*fct)(void *)) | drawContext | static |
setEulerAnglesFromRotationMatrix() | drawContext | |
setGlobal(drawContextGlobal *global) | drawContext | inlinestatic |
setQuaternion(double p1x, double p1y, double p2x, double p2y) | drawContext | |
setQuaternionFromEulerAngles() | drawContext | |
setTransform(drawTransform *transform) | drawContext | inline |
show(GModel *m) | drawContext | inline |
show(PView *v) | drawContext | inline |
showAll() | drawContext | inline |
t | drawContext | |
t_init | drawContext | |
transform(double &x, double &y, double &z) | drawContext | inline |
transformOneForm(double &x, double &y, double &z) | drawContext | inline |
transformTwoForm(double &x, double &y, double &z) | drawContext | inline |
unproject(double winx, double winy, double p[3], double d[3]) | drawContext | |
viewport | drawContext | |
viewport2World(double vp[3], double xyz[3]) | drawContext | |
vxmax | drawContext | |
vxmin | drawContext | |
vymax | drawContext | |
vymin | drawContext | |
world2Viewport(double xyz[3], double vp[3]) | drawContext | |
~drawContext() | drawContext |