An Open-Source Timing-driven Analytical Mixed-size FPGA Placer
This is the complete list of members for GModel, including all inherited members.
_acis_internals | GModel | protected |
_associateEntityWithMeshVertices() | GModel | protected |
_attributes | GModel | protected |
_chainEdges | GModel | private |
_chainFaces | GModel | private |
_chainRegions | GModel | private |
_chainVertices | GModel | private |
_checkPointedMaxElementNum | GModel | private |
_checkPointedMaxVertexNum | GModel | private |
_current | GModel | protectedstatic |
_currentMeshEntity | GModel | protected |
_curvatures | GModel | protected |
_elementaryNames | GModel | protected |
_elementIndexCache | GModel | protected |
_elementMapCache | GModel | protected |
_elementOctree | GModel | protected |
_elementVectorCache | GModel | protected |
_fields | GModel | protected |
_fileName | GModel | protected |
_fileNames | GModel | protected |
_geo_internals | GModel | protected |
_ghostCells | GModel | protected |
_homologyRequests | GModel | private |
_lastMeshEntityError | GModel | protected |
_lastMeshVertexError | GModel | protected |
_mapEdgeNum | GModel | private |
_mapFaceNum | GModel | private |
_maxElementNum | GModel | private |
_maxVertexNum | GModel | private |
_name | GModel | protected |
_numPartitions | GModel | protected |
_occ_internals | GModel | protected |
_parasolid_internals | GModel | protected |
_physicalNames | GModel | protected |
_readMSH2(const std::string &name) | GModel | private |
_readMSH3(const std::string &name) | GModel | private |
_readMSH4(const std::string &name) | GModel | private |
_storeElementsInEntities(std::map< int, std::vector< MElement * > > &map) | GModel | protected |
_storeParentsInSubElements(std::map< int, std::vector< MElement * > > &map) | GModel | protected |
_storePhysicalTagsInEntities(int dim, std::map< int, std::map< int, std::string > > &map) | GModel | protected |
_storeVerticesInEntities(std::map< int, MVertex * > &vertices) | GModel | protected |
_storeVerticesInEntities(std::vector< MVertex * > &vertices) | GModel | protected |
_vertexMapCache | GModel | protected |
_vertexVectorCache | GModel | protected |
_visible | GModel | protected |
_writeMSH2(const std::string &name, double version, bool binary, bool saveAll, bool saveParametric, double scalingFactor, int elementStartNum, int saveSinglePartition, bool append, bool renumberVertices) | GModel | private |
_writeMSH3(const std::string &name, double version, bool binary, bool saveAll, bool saveParametric, double scalingFactor, int elementStartNum, int saveSinglePartition, bool append) | GModel | private |
_writeMSH4(const std::string &name, double version, bool binary, bool saveAll, bool saveParametric, double scalingFactor, bool append, int partitionToSave=0, std::map< GEntity *, SBoundingBox3d > *entityBounds=nullptr) | GModel | private |
_writePartitionedMSH2(const std::string &baseName, bool binary, bool saveAll, bool saveParametric, double scalingFactor) | GModel | private |
_writePartitionedMSH3(const std::string &baseName, double version, bool binary, bool saveAll, bool saveParametric, double scalingFactor) | GModel | private |
_writePartitionedMSH4(const std::string &baseName, double version, bool binary, bool saveAll, bool saveParametric, double scalingFactor) | GModel | private |
_writeX3dFile(FILE *fp, bool saveAll, double scalingFactor, int x3dsurfaces, int x3dedges, int x3dvertices, int x3dcolorize, std::vector< GFace * > &customFaces) | GModel | private |
adaptMesh() | GModel | |
adaptMesh(std::vector< int > technique, std::vector< simpleFunction< double > * > f, std::vector< std::vector< double > > parameters, int niter, bool meshAll=false) | GModel | |
add(GRegion *r) | GModel | inline |
add(GFace *f) | GModel | inline |
add(GEdge *e) | GModel | inline |
add(GVertex *v) | GModel | inline |
addAutomaticExtrusionConstraints(const std::vector< int > &numElements, const std::vector< double > &heights, const bool recombine, const std::vector< int > ®ionTag) | GModel | |
addGhostCells(MElement *elm, short partition) | GModel | inline |
addHomologyRequest(const std::string &type, const std::vector< int > &domain, const std::vector< int > &subdomain, const std::vector< int > &dim) | GModel | |
addLastMeshEntityError(GEntity *e) | GModel | inline |
addLastMeshVertexError(MVertex *v) | GModel | inline |
addMEdge(MEdge &edge, std::size_t num=0) | GModel | |
addMFace(MFace &face, std::size_t num=0) | GModel | |
addMVertexToVertexCache(MVertex *v) | GModel | |
addPhysicalGroup(int dim, int tag, const std::vector< int > &tags) | GModel | |
alignPeriodicBoundaries() | GModel | |
bounds(bool aroundVisible=false) | GModel | |
buildCutGModel(gLevelset *ls, bool cutElem=true, bool saveTri=false) | GModel | |
changeEntityTag(int dim, int tag, int newTag) | GModel | |
checkMeshCoherence(double tolerance) | GModel | |
checkPointMaxNumbers() | GModel | inline |
classifySurfaces(double angleThreshold, bool includeBoundary, bool forReparametrization, double curveAngleThreshold) | GModel | |
clearHomologyRequests() | GModel | |
clearLastMeshEntityError() | GModel | inline |
clearLastMeshVertexError() | GModel | inline |
computeHomology(std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &newPhysicals) | GModel | |
computeSizeField() | GModel | |
const_eiter typedef | GModel | |
const_fiter typedef | GModel | |
const_riter typedef | GModel | |
const_viter typedef | GModel | |
convertOldPartitioningToNewOne() | GModel | |
createACISInternals() | GModel | |
createGEOInternals() | GModel | |
createGeometryOfDiscreteEntities(const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &dimTags=std::vector< std::pair< int, int > >()) | GModel | |
createOCCInternals() | GModel | |
createParasolidInternals() | GModel | |
createTopologyFromMesh() | GModel | |
current(int index=-1) | GModel | static |
decrementMaxVertexNumber() | GModel | inline |
deleteACISInternals() | GModel | |
deleteGEOInternals() | GModel | |
deleteMesh() | GModel | |
deleteMesh(const std::vector< GEntity * > &entities) | GModel | |
deleteOCCInternals() | GModel | |
deleteParasolidInternals() | GModel | |
deleteVertexArrays() | GModel | |
destroy(bool keepName=false) | GModel | |
destroyMeshCaches() | GModel | |
edges | GModel | protected |
eiter typedef | GModel | |
empty() const | GModel | |
exportDiscreteGEOInternals() | GModel | |
faces | GModel | protected |
fillVertexArrays() | GModel | |
findByName(const std::string &name, const std::string &fileName="") | GModel | static |
firstEdge() | GModel | inline |
firstEdge() const | GModel | inline |
firstElementaryName() | GModel | inline |
firstFace() | GModel | inline |
firstFace() const | GModel | inline |
firstMEdge() | GModel | inline |
firstMFace() | GModel | inline |
firstPhysicalName() | GModel | inline |
firstRegion() | GModel | inline |
firstRegion() const | GModel | inline |
firstVertex() | GModel | inline |
firstVertex() const | GModel | inline |
fiter typedef | GModel | |
getACISInternals() | GModel | inline |
getAttributes() | GModel | inline |
getBoundaryTags(const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &inDimTags, std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &outDimTags, bool combined, bool oriented=true, bool recursive=false) | GModel | |
getCheckPointedMaxNumbers(std::size_t &maxv, std::size_t &maxe) const | GModel | inline |
getCurrentMeshEntity() | GModel | inline |
getCurvatures() | GModel | inline |
getDim() const | GModel | |
getEdgeByTag(int n) const | GModel | |
getEdgeForOCCShape(const void *shape) | GModel | |
getEdges() const | GModel | inline |
getElementaryName(int dim, int tag) | GModel | |
getEntities(std::vector< GEntity * > &entities, int dim=-1) const | GModel | |
getEntitiesInBox(std::vector< GEntity * > &entities, const SBoundingBox3d &box, int dim=-1) const | GModel | |
getEntityByTag(int dim, int n) const | GModel | |
getFaceByTag(int n) const | GModel | |
getFaceForOCCShape(const void *shape) | GModel | |
getFaces() const | GModel | inline |
getFields() | GModel | inline |
getFileName() const | GModel | inline |
getGEOInternals() | GModel | inline |
getGhostCells() | GModel | inline |
getInnerPhysicalNamesIterators(std::vector< piter > &iterators) | GModel | |
getLastMeshEntityError() | GModel | inline |
getLastMeshVertexError() | GModel | inline |
getMaxElementaryNumber(int dim) | GModel | |
getMaxElementNumber() const | GModel | inline |
getMaxPhysicalNumber(int dim) | GModel | |
getMaxVertexNumber() const | GModel | inline |
getMEdge(MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, MEdge &edge) | GModel | |
getMeshDim() const | GModel | |
getMeshElementByCoord(SPoint3 &p, SPoint3 ¶m, int dim=-1, bool strict=true) | GModel | |
getMeshElementByTag(int n) | GModel | inline |
getMeshElementByTag(int n, int &entityTag) | GModel | |
getMeshElementIndex(MElement *e) | GModel | |
getMeshElementsByCoord(SPoint3 &p, int dim=-1, bool strict=true) | GModel | |
getMeshStatus(bool countDiscrete=true) | GModel | |
getMeshVertexByTag(int n) | GModel | |
getMeshVerticesForPhysicalGroup(int dim, int num, std::vector< MVertex * > &) | GModel | |
getMFace(MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2, MVertex *v3, MFace &face) | GModel | |
getName() const | GModel | inline |
getNumEdges() const | GModel | inline |
getNumFaces() const | GModel | inline |
getNumMeshElements(int dim=-1) const | GModel | |
getNumMeshElements(unsigned c[6]) | GModel | |
getNumMeshParentElements() const | GModel | |
getNumMeshVertices(int dim=-1) const | GModel | |
getNumPartitions() const | GModel | inline |
getNumRegions() const | GModel | inline |
getNumVertices() const | GModel | inline |
getOCCInternals() | GModel | inline |
getParasolidInternals() | GModel | inline |
getPhysicalGroups(std::map< int, std::vector< GEntity * > > groups[4]) const | GModel | |
getPhysicalGroups(int dim, std::map< int, std::vector< GEntity * > > &groups) const | GModel | |
getPhysicalName(int dim, int num) const | GModel | |
getPhysicalNames() const | GModel | inline |
getPhysicalNumber(const int &dim, const std::string &name) | GModel | |
getRegionByTag(int n) const | GModel | |
getRegionForOCCShape(const void *shape) | GModel | |
getRegions() const | GModel | inline |
getTagsForPhysicalName(int dim, const std::string &name) | GModel | |
getVertexByTag(int n) const | GModel | |
getVertexForOCCShape(const void *shape) | GModel | |
getVertices() const | GModel | inline |
getVisibility() const | GModel | inline |
GModel(const std::string &name="") | GModel | |
hasFileName(const std::string &name) const | GModel | inline |
importOCCShape(const void *shape) | GModel | |
incrementAndGetMaxElementNumber() | GModel | inline |
incrementAndGetMaxVertexNumber() | GModel | inline |
indexMeshVertices(bool all, int singlePartition=0, bool renumber=true) | GModel | |
lastEdge() | GModel | inline |
lastEdge() const | GModel | inline |
lastElementaryName() | GModel | inline |
lastFace() | GModel | inline |
lastFace() const | GModel | inline |
lastMEdge() | GModel | inline |
lastMFace() | GModel | inline |
lastPhysicalName() | GModel | inline |
lastRegion() | GModel | inline |
lastRegion() const | GModel | inline |
lastVertex() | GModel | inline |
lastVertex() const | GModel | inline |
lcCallback | GModel | |
list | GModel | static |
load(const std::string &fileName) | GModel | |
makeDiscreteFacesSimplyConnected() | GModel | |
makeDiscreteRegionsSimplyConnected() | GModel | |
mesh(int dimension) | GModel | |
noPhysicalGroups() | GModel | |
normals | GModel | |
numPhysicalNames() const | GModel | inline |
optimizeMesh(const std::string &how, bool force=false, int niter=1) | GModel | |
partitionMesh(int num, std::vector< std::pair< MElement *, int > > elementPartition=std::vector< std::pair< MElement *, int > >()) | GModel | |
piter typedef | GModel | |
pruneMeshVertexAssociations() | GModel | |
readACISSAT(const std::string &name) | GModel | |
readACTRAN(const std::string &name) | GModel | |
readBDF(const std::string &name) | GModel | |
readCGNS(const std::string &name, std::vector< std::vector< MVertex * > > &vertPerZone, std::vector< std::vector< MElement * > > &eltPerZone) | GModel | |
readDIFF(const std::string &name) | GModel | |
readGEO(const std::string &name) | GModel | static |
readGEOM(const std::string &name) | GModel | |
readMED(const std::string &name) | GModel | static |
readMED(const std::string &name, int meshIndex) | GModel | |
readMESH(const std::string &name) | GModel | |
readMSH(const std::string &name) | GModel | |
readOCCBREP(const std::string &name) | GModel | |
readOCCIGES(const std::string &name) | GModel | |
readOCCSTEP(const std::string &name) | GModel | |
readOFF(const std::string &name) | GModel | |
readP3D(const std::string &name) | GModel | |
readParasolidSTEP(const std::string &name) | GModel | |
readParasolidXMT(const std::string &name) | GModel | |
readPLY(const std::string &name) | GModel | |
readPLY2(const std::string &name) | GModel | |
readSAMCEF(const std::string &name) | GModel | |
readSTL(const std::string &name, double tolerance=1.e-3) | GModel | |
readUNV(const std::string &name, bool readGroupsOfElements=true) | GModel | |
readVRML(const std::string &name) | GModel | |
readVTK(const std::string &name, bool bigEndian=false) | GModel | |
rebuildMeshElementCache(bool onlyIfNecessary=false) | GModel | |
rebuildMeshVertexCache(bool onlyIfNecessary=false) | GModel | |
recombineMesh() | GModel | |
refineMesh(int linear, bool splitIntoQuads=false, bool splitIntoHexas=false, bool barycentric=false) | GModel | |
regions | GModel | protected |
remove(GRegion *r) | GModel | |
remove(GFace *f) | GModel | |
remove(GEdge *e) | GModel | |
remove(GVertex *v) | GModel | |
remove(int dim, int tag, std::vector< GEntity * > &removed, bool recursive=false) | GModel | |
remove(const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &dimTags, std::vector< GEntity * > &removed, bool recursive=false) | GModel | |
remove() | GModel | |
removeDuplicateMeshElements(const std::vector< GEntity * > &entities=std::vector< GEntity * >()) | GModel | |
removeDuplicateMeshVertices(double tolerance, const std::vector< GEntity * > &entities=std::vector< GEntity * >()) | GModel | |
removeElementaryName(const std::string &name) | GModel | |
removeInvisibleElements() | GModel | |
removePhysicalGroup(int dim, int num) | GModel | |
removePhysicalGroups() | GModel | |
removePhysicalName(const std::string &name) | GModel | |
renumberMeshElements() | GModel | |
renumberMeshVertices() | GModel | |
resetOCCInternals() | GModel | |
reverseInvisibleElements() | GModel | |
riter typedef | GModel | |
save(const std::string &fileName) | GModel | |
scaleMesh(double factor) | GModel | |
setAllVolumesPositive() | GModel | |
setAllVolumesPositiveTopology() | GModel | |
setAsCurrent() | GModel | inline |
setCurrent(GModel *m) | GModel | static |
setCurrentMeshEntity(GEntity *e) | GModel | |
setElementaryName(int dim, int tag, const std::string &name) | GModel | inline |
setFileName(const std::string &fileName) | GModel | |
setMaxElementNumber(std::size_t num) | GModel | inline |
setMaxVertexNumber(std::size_t num) | GModel | inline |
setMeshElementIndex(MElement *e, int index) | GModel | |
setName(const std::string &name) | GModel | inline |
setNumPartitions(std::size_t npart) | GModel | inline |
setOrderN(int order, int linear, int incomplete, int onlyVisible) | GModel | |
setPhysicalName(const std::string &name, int dim, int num=0) | GModel | |
setPhysicalName(piter pos, const std::string &name, int dim, int num=0) | GModel | |
setPhysicalNames(const std::map< std::pair< int, int >, std::string > &names) | GModel | inline |
setPhysicalNumToEntitiesInBox(int EntityDimension, int PhysicalNumber, std::vector< double > p1, std::vector< double > p2) | GModel | |
setPhysicalNumToEntitiesInBox(int EntityDimension, int PhysicalNumber, const SBoundingBox3d &box) | GModel | |
setSelection(int val) | GModel | |
setVisibility(char val) | GModel | inline |
snapVertices() | GModel | |
storeChain(int dim, std::map< int, std::vector< MElement * > > &entityMap, std::map< int, std::map< int, std::string > > &physicalMap) | GModel | |
unpartitionMesh() | GModel | |
vertices | GModel | protected |
viter typedef | GModel | |
writeBDF(const std::string &name, int format=0, int elementTagType=1, bool saveAll=false, double scalingFactor=1.0) | GModel | |
writeCELUM(const std::string &name, bool saveAll=false, double scalingFactor=1.0) | GModel | |
writeCGNS(const std::string &name, bool saveAll=false, double scalingFactor=1.0, bool structured=false) | GModel | |
writeDIFF(const std::string &name, bool binary=false, bool saveAll=false, double scalingFactor=1.0) | GModel | |
writeGEO(const std::string &name, bool printLabels=true, bool onlyPhysicals=false) | GModel | |
writeINP(const std::string &name, bool saveAll=false, int saveGroupsOfElements=0, int saveGroupsOfNodes=0, double scalingFactor=1.0) | GModel | |
writeIR3(const std::string &name, int elementTagType, bool saveAll, double scalingFactor) | GModel | |
writeKEY(const std::string &name, int saveAll=0, int saveGroupsOfNodes=0, double scalingFactor=1.0) | GModel | |
writeMAIL(const std::string &name, bool saveAll, double scalingFactor) | GModel | |
writeMATLAB(const std::string &name, bool binary=false, bool saveAll=false, double scalingFactor=1.0, int filetype=1) | GModel | |
writeMED(const std::string &name, bool saveAll=false, double scalingFactor=1.0) | GModel | |
writeMESH(const std::string &name, int elementTagType=1, bool saveAll=false, double scalingFactor=1.0) | GModel | |
writeMSH(const std::string &name, double version=2.2, bool binary=false, bool saveAll=false, bool saveParametric=false, double scalingFactor=1.0, int elementStartNum=0, int saveSinglePartition=0, bool append=false) | GModel | |
writeNEU(const std::string &name, bool saveAll, double scalingFactor) | GModel | |
writeOCCBREP(const std::string &name) | GModel | |
writeOCCSTEP(const std::string &name) | GModel | |
writeOFF(const std::string &name, bool saveAll=false, double scalingFactor=1.0) | GModel | |
writeP3D(const std::string &name, bool saveAll=false, double scalingFactor=1.0) | GModel | |
writeParasolidSTEP(const std::string &name) | GModel | |
writeParasolidXMT(const std::string &name) | GModel | |
writePartitionedMSH(const std::string &baseName, double version=2.2, bool binary=false, bool saveAll=false, bool saveParametric=false, double scalingFactor=1.0) | GModel | |
writePartitionedTopology(std::string &name) | GModel | |
writePLY2(const std::string &name) | GModel | |
writePOS(const std::string &name, bool printElementary, bool printElementNumber, bool printSICN, bool printSIGE, bool printGamma, bool printDisto, bool saveAll=false, double scalingFactor=1.0) | GModel | |
writePY(const std::string &name, bool printLabels=true, bool onlyPhysicals=false) | GModel | |
writeRAD(const std::string &name, int saveAll=0, int saveGroupsOfNodes=0, double scalingFactor=1.0) | GModel | |
writeSTL(const std::string &name, bool binary=false, bool saveAll=false, double scalingFactor=1.0, int oneSolidPerSurface=0) | GModel | |
writeSU2(const std::string &name, bool saveAll, double scalingFactor) | GModel | |
writeTOCHNOG(const std::string &name, bool saveAll=false, int saveGroupsOfNodes=0, double scalingFactor=1.0) | GModel | |
writeUNV(const std::string &name, bool saveAll=false, int saveGroupsOfElements=0, int saveGroupsOfNodes=0, double scalingFactor=1.0) | GModel | |
writeVRML(const std::string &name, bool saveAll=false, double scalingFactor=1.0) | GModel | |
writeVTK(const std::string &name, bool binary=false, bool saveAll=false, double scalingFactor=1.0, bool bigEndian=false) | GModel | |
writeX3D(const std::string &name, bool saveAll=false, double scalingFactor=1.0, int x3dsurfaces=1, int x3dedges=0, int x3dvertices=0, int x3dvolumes=0, int x3dcolorize=0) | GModel | |
~GModel() | GModel | virtual |