An Open-Source Timing-driven Analytical Mixed-size FPGA Placer
This is the complete list of members for GEO_Internals, including all inherited members.
_addCompoundSpline(int &tag, const std::vector< int > &curveTags, int numPoints, bool bspline) | GEO_Internals | private |
_allocateAll() | GEO_Internals | private |
_changed | GEO_Internals | private |
_extrude(int mode, const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &inDimTags, double x, double y, double z, double dx, double dy, double dz, double ax, double ay, double az, double angle, std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &outDimTags, ExtrudeParams *e=0) | GEO_Internals | private |
_freeAll() | GEO_Internals | private |
_maxLineLoopNum | GEO_Internals | private |
_maxLineNum | GEO_Internals | private |
_maxPhysicalNum | GEO_Internals | private |
_maxPointNum | GEO_Internals | private |
_maxSurfaceLoopNum | GEO_Internals | private |
_maxSurfaceNum | GEO_Internals | private |
_maxVolumeNum | GEO_Internals | private |
_meshCompounds | GEO_Internals | private |
_transform(int mode, const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &dimTags, double x, double y, double z, double dx, double dy, double dz, double a, double b, double c, double d) | GEO_Internals | private |
addBezier(int &tag, const std::vector< int > &pointTags) | GEO_Internals | |
addBSpline(int &tag, const std::vector< int > &pointTags, const std::vector< double > &seqknots=std::vector< double >()) | GEO_Internals | |
addCircleArc(int &tag, int startTag, int centerTag, int endTag, double nx=0., double ny=0., double nz=0.) | GEO_Internals | |
addCompoundBSpline(int &tag, const std::vector< int > &curveTags, int numPoints) | GEO_Internals | |
addCompoundSpline(int &tag, const std::vector< int > &curveTags, int numPoints) | GEO_Internals | |
addCurveLoop(int &tag, const std::vector< int > &curveTags, bool reorient=false) | GEO_Internals | |
addCurveLoops(const std::vector< int > &curveTags, std::vector< int > &curveLoopTags) | GEO_Internals | |
addDiscreteSurface(int &tag) | GEO_Internals | |
addEllipseArc(int &tag, int startTag, int centerTag, int majorTag, int endTag, double nx=0., double ny=0., double nz=0.) | GEO_Internals | |
addLine(int &tag, int startTag, int endTag) | GEO_Internals | |
addLine(int &tag, const std::vector< int > &pointTags) | GEO_Internals | |
addPlaneSurface(int &tag, const std::vector< int > &wireTags) | GEO_Internals | |
addSpline(int &tag, const std::vector< int > &pointTags) | GEO_Internals | |
addSurfaceFilling(int &tag, const std::vector< int > &wireTags, int sphereCenterTag=-1) | GEO_Internals | |
addSurfaceLoop(int &tag, const std::vector< int > &surfaceTags) | GEO_Internals | |
addVertex(int &tag, double x, double y, double z, double lc) | GEO_Internals | |
addVertex(int &tag, double x, double y, gmshSurface *s, double lc) | GEO_Internals | |
addVolume(int &tag, const std::vector< int > &shellTags) | GEO_Internals | |
boundaryLayer(const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &inDimTags, std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &outDimTags, ExtrudeParams *e=0) | GEO_Internals | |
copy(const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &inDimTags, std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &outDimTags) | GEO_Internals | |
Curves | GEO_Internals | |
DelCurves | GEO_Internals | |
DelPhysicalGroups | GEO_Internals | |
DelPoints | GEO_Internals | |
DelSurfaces | GEO_Internals | |
DelVolumes | GEO_Internals | |
destroy() | GEO_Internals | inline |
dilate(const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &dimTags, double x, double y, double z, double a, double b, double c) | GEO_Internals | |
EdgeLoops | GEO_Internals | |
extrude(const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &inDimTags, double dx, double dy, double dz, std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &outDimTags, ExtrudeParams *e=0) | GEO_Internals | |
GEO_Internals() | GEO_Internals | inline |
getChanged() const | GEO_Internals | inline |
getMaxPhysicalTag() const | GEO_Internals | inline |
getMaxTag(int dim) const | GEO_Internals | |
getVertex(int tag, double &x, double &y, double &z) | GEO_Internals | |
intersectCurvesWithSurface(const std::vector< int > &curveTags, int surfaceTag, std::vector< int > &pointTags) | GEO_Internals | |
mergeVertices(const std::vector< int > &tags) | GEO_Internals | |
modifyPhysicalGroup(int dim, int tag, int op, const std::vector< int > &tags) | GEO_Internals | |
newGeometryPolarSphere(int tag, int centerTag, int pointTag) | GEO_Internals | |
newGeometrySphere(int tag, int centerTag, int pointTag) | GEO_Internals | |
PhysicalGroups | GEO_Internals | |
Points | GEO_Internals | |
remove(int dim, int tag, bool recursive=false) | GEO_Internals | |
remove(const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &dimTags, bool recursive=false) | GEO_Internals | |
removeAllDuplicates() | GEO_Internals | |
resetPhysicalGroups() | GEO_Internals | |
revolve(const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &inDimTags, double x, double y, double z, double ax, double ay, double az, double angle, std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &outDimTags, ExtrudeParams *e=0) | GEO_Internals | |
rotate(const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &dimTags, double x, double y, double z, double ax, double ay, double az, double angle) | GEO_Internals | |
setCompoundMesh(int dim, const std::vector< int > &tags) | GEO_Internals | |
setDegenerated(int dim, int tag) | GEO_Internals | |
setMaxPhysicalTag(int val) | GEO_Internals | inline |
setMaxTag(int dim, int val) | GEO_Internals | |
setMeshAlgorithm(int dim, int tag, int val) | GEO_Internals | |
setMeshSize(int dim, int tag, double size) | GEO_Internals | |
setMeshSizeFromBoundary(int dim, int tag, int val) | GEO_Internals | |
setRecombine(int dim, int tag, double angle) | GEO_Internals | |
setReverseMesh(int dim, int tag, bool val=1) | GEO_Internals | |
setSmoothing(int tag, int val) | GEO_Internals | |
setTransfiniteLine(int tag, int nPoints, int type, double coef) | GEO_Internals | |
setTransfiniteSurface(int tag, int arrangement, const std::vector< int > &cornerTags) | GEO_Internals | |
setTransfiniteVolume(int tag, const std::vector< int > &cornerTags) | GEO_Internals | |
setTransfiniteVolumeQuadTri(int tag) | GEO_Internals | |
splitCurve(int tag, const std::vector< int > &pointTags, std::vector< int > &curveTags) | GEO_Internals | |
SurfaceLoops | GEO_Internals | |
Surfaces | GEO_Internals | |
symmetry(const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &dimTags, double a, double b, double c, double d) | GEO_Internals | |
synchronize(GModel *model, bool resetMeshAttributes=true) | GEO_Internals | |
translate(const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &dimTags, double dx, double dy, double dz) | GEO_Internals | |
twist(const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &inDimTags, double x, double y, double z, double dx, double dy, double dz, double ax, double ay, double az, double angle, std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &outDimTags, ExtrudeParams *e=0) | GEO_Internals | |
Volumes | GEO_Internals | |
~GEO_Internals() | GEO_Internals | inline |