An Open-Source Timing-driven Analytical Mixed-size FPGA Placer
This is the complete list of members for CellComplex, including all inherited members.
_biggestCell | CellComplex | private |
_cells | CellComplex | private |
_createCount | CellComplex | private |
_deleteCount | CellComplex | private |
_dim | CellComplex | private |
_immunizeCells(std::vector< MElement * > &elements) | CellComplex | private |
_insertCells(std::vector< MElement * > &elements, int domain) | CellComplex | private |
_model | CellComplex | private |
_numRelativeCells | CellComplex | private |
_numSubdomainCells | CellComplex | private |
_ocells | CellComplex | private |
_omitCell(Cell *cell, bool dual) | CellComplex | private |
_patience | CellComplex | privatestatic |
_reduced | CellComplex | private |
_relative | CellComplex | private |
_removeCells(std::vector< MElement * > &elements, int domain) | CellComplex | private |
_removedcells | CellComplex | private |
_saveorig | CellComplex | private |
_simplicial | CellComplex | private |
_smallestCell | CellComplex | private |
bettiReduceComplex() | CellComplex | |
CellComplex(GModel *model, std::vector< MElement * > &domainElements, std::vector< MElement * > &subdomainElements, std::vector< MElement * > &nondomainElements, std::vector< MElement * > &nonsubdomainElements, std::vector< MElement * > &immuneElements, bool saveOriginalComplex=true) | CellComplex | |
citer typedef | CellComplex | |
cocombine(int dim) | CellComplex | |
coherent() | CellComplex | |
combine(int dim) | CellComplex | |
coreduceComplex(int combine=1, bool omit=true, int heuristic=0) | CellComplex | |
coreduction(Cell *startCell, int omit, std::vector< Cell * > &omittedCells) | CellComplex | private |
coreduction(int dim, int omit, std::vector< Cell * > &omittedCells) | CellComplex | |
enqueueCells(std::map< Cell *, short int, CellPtrLessThan > &cells, std::queue< Cell * > &Q, std::set< Cell *, CellPtrLessThan > &Qset) | CellComplex | private |
eulerCharacteristic() | CellComplex | inline |
firstCell(int dim, bool orig=false) | CellComplex | inline |
getACell(int dim, int domain=0) | CellComplex | |
getCells(std::set< Cell *, CellPtrLessThan > &cells, int dim, int domain=0) | CellComplex | |
getDim() const | CellComplex | inline |
getDomain(Cell *cell, std::string &str) | CellComplex | |
getModel() const | CellComplex | inline |
getNumCells(int dim, int domain=0) | CellComplex | |
getSize(int dim, bool orig=false) | CellComplex | |
hasCell(Cell *cell, bool orig=false) | CellComplex | |
inSameDomain(Cell *c1, Cell *c2) const | CellComplex | inline |
insertCell(Cell *cell) | CellComplex | private |
isReduced() const | CellComplex | inline |
lastCell(int dim, bool orig=false) | CellComplex | inline |
loadComplex(const std::string &filename) | CellComplex | |
printComplex(int dim) | CellComplex | |
printEuler() | CellComplex | inline |
reduceComplex(int combine=1, bool omit=true, bool homseq=false) | CellComplex | |
reduction(int dim, int omit, std::vector< Cell * > &omittedCells) | CellComplex | |
relative() const | CellComplex | inline |
removeCell(Cell *cell, bool other=true, bool del=false) | CellComplex | private |
removeCells(int dim) | CellComplex | |
removeSubdomain() | CellComplex | |
restoreComplex() | CellComplex | |
saveComplex(const std::string &filename) | CellComplex | |
simplicial() const | CellComplex | inline |
~CellComplex() | CellComplex |