1 # open_checkpoint "/Softwares/chipyard/fpga/generated-src/chipyard.fpga.vcu108.VCU108FPGATestHarness.RocketVCU108Config/obj/post_route.dcp"
2 # replace this with the name for your benchmark
3 set benchmarkName "Gemmini"
4 # replace this path with your one to specify where to store the files of extracted data
5 set targetFolderPath "/home/tingyuan/tmpFiles/"
7 exec mkdir "${targetFolderPath}/${benchmarkName}"
8 set pahtPrefix "${targetFolderPath}/${benchmarkName}/${benchmarkName}_"
9 set script_path [ file dirname [ file normalize [ info script ] ] ]
10 source "${script_path}/extractNetlist.tcl"
11 source "${script_path}/extractLUTRAMs.tcl"
12 source "${script_path}/extractFixedUnits.tcl"
13 exec zip -j "${pahtPrefix}allCellPinNet.zip" "${pahtPrefix}allCellPinNet"
14 exec rm "${pahtPrefix}allCellPinNet"