This is the complete list of members for ClusterPlacer, including all inherited members.
avgClusterSizeRequirement | ClusterPlacer | private |
basicGraphPartitioner | ClusterPlacer | private |
basicPartitioning(int minClusterCellNum, int eachClusterDSPNum, int eachClusterBRAMNum) | ClusterPlacer | private |
clockBasedGraphPartitioner | ClusterPlacer | private |
clockBasedPartitioning(int minClusterCellNum, int eachClusterDSPNum, int eachClusterBRAMNum) | ClusterPlacer | private |
clockRegionXNum | ClusterPlacer | private |
clockRegionYNum | ClusterPlacer | private |
cluster2FixedUnitMat | ClusterPlacer | private |
cluster2FP_XY | ClusterPlacer | private |
cluster2XY | ClusterPlacer | private |
clusterAdjMat | ClusterPlacer | private |
clusterBRAMCellWeights | ClusterPlacer | private |
clusterCLBCellWeights | ClusterPlacer | private |
clusterDSPCellWeights | ClusterPlacer | private |
clusterNets | ClusterPlacer | private |
ClusterPlacement() | ClusterPlacer | |
clusterPlacementUnits() | ClusterPlacer | private |
ClusterPlacer(PlacementInfo *placementInfo, std::map< std::string, std::string > &JSONCfg, float connectionToFixedFactor=5.0) | ClusterPlacer | |
clusters | ClusterPlacer | private |
clusterUnits | ClusterPlacer | private |
connectionToFixedFactor | ClusterPlacer | private |
creaeClusterNets() | ClusterPlacer | inlineprivate |
createClockBasedClusterUnits() | ClusterPlacer | private |
createLongPathClusterUnits() | ClusterPlacer | private |
createSinglePUClusterUnits() | ClusterPlacer | private |
createUserDefinedClusterBasedClusterUnits() | ClusterPlacer | private |
drawClusters() | ClusterPlacer | private |
dumpClusters() | ClusterPlacer | private |
fixedX | ClusterPlacer | private |
fixedY | ClusterPlacer | private |
getPlacementUnitMaxPathLen(PlacementInfo::PlacementUnit *curPU) | ClusterPlacer | inlineprivate |
hypergraphPartitioning() | ClusterPlacer | private |
isClustersToLarges() | ClusterPlacer | private |
isDensePlacement() | ClusterPlacer | inlineprivate |
jobs | ClusterPlacer | private |
JSONCfg | ClusterPlacer | private |
maxMinCutRate | ClusterPlacer | private |
placeClusters() | ClusterPlacer | private |
placementInfo | ClusterPlacer | private |
placementUnit2ClusterId | ClusterPlacer | private |
placementUnitId2ClusterUnitId | ClusterPlacer | private |
placeUnitBaseOnClusterPlacement(const std::vector< std::pair< int, int >> &cluster2XY) | ClusterPlacer | private |
random_float(float min, float max) | ClusterPlacer | inlineprivate |
randomInitialPlacement | ClusterPlacer | private |
refineClustersWithPredefinedClusters() | ClusterPlacer | private |
resetClusterInfo() | ClusterPlacer | inlineprivate |
saPlacer | ClusterPlacer | private |
setClusterNetsAdjMat() | ClusterPlacer | private |
userDefinedClusterBasedGraphPartitioner | ClusterPlacer | private |
userDefinedClusterBasedPartitioning(int minClusterCellNum, int eachClusterDSPNum, int eachClusterBRAMNum) | ClusterPlacer | private |
verbose | ClusterPlacer | private |
y2xRatio | ClusterPlacer | private |
~ClusterPlacer() | ClusterPlacer | inline |